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"Thank you so much for the gift card you gave us for gas and meals during my husband’s recent hospitalization.  It was greatly appreciated as funds were short during this time.  It’s great to live in a community where neighbors and friends help each other.  With much appreciation and gratitude."


Hugoton, Kansas


"It is with great joy that I write you.  My wife is on the way to recovery, and I thank you very much for all the support.  I only wish I had better words to express this."


Satanta, Kansas



"In reading articles in the Hermes, it is very apparent that Pheasant Heaven is “reaching out and touching someone” with your care and concern.  It was relayed to me that this very benevolent group donated to my great grandson to help him and his family through his battle with cancer……Again, thank you.  In my opinion you have walked the extra mile for my great grandson."


Hugoton, Kansas




"There are no words that come to mind that can express my gratitude for all you’ve arranged for my son.  Your consideration for others will not go unrewarded, I know.  You have made life so much easier for my family through your generosity and thoughtfulness.  God is watching you—I know.  My son talks about Pheasant Heaven and wonders why we all have not done more. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."


Moscow, Kansas


"Thanks can’t begin to tell you how grateful we were for your help.  It helped so much getting to Denver and not worrying about how we were going to be able to keep up on the bills while there.  We have been more than blessed for your help."


Hugoton, Kansas


"It’s a peaceful feeling to know that there are caring people still out there giving me a ray of sunshine in a dark world!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  God Bless!  I am going to pay it forward to someone else."


Ulysses, Kansas


"We thank you for your generous financial contribution to our mission to feed the less fortunate in Stevens County."  


Hugoton, Kansas


"We just wanted to thank you for the generous gift that you gave to our family after our fire!  What a true blessing it is to live in such a generous and giving community!  We are so truly blessed!  Thanks again for everything."


Hugoton, Kansas


"I greatly appreciate the new glasses.  I am able to read without getting a headache now.  I will now be able to read to my granddaughter."


Liberal, Kansas


Click HERE & Read

Craig Boddington's 

Article About

Pheasant Heaven

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